“Snoverland” Expo 2015

Bill manages to clean up the supper dishes even in the rain and snow
Bill manages to clean up the supper dishes even in the rain and snow

The weather was a challenge at this year’s Overland Expo (overlandexpo.com), where we camped in rain, snow and lots of mud for the annual gathering of adventure travelers from May 15-17. In spite of the weather, we enjoyed catching up with friends and all of the sights and sounds. Chris and Laura Moxley from Norman joined us for the expo and we had a great time camping with them. After the event, the four of us continued north for more adventures. Details in the next installment!

The puddle in front of Chris and Laura’s tent (along with the snow on its sides) is a good representation of the weather we experienced at the expo.
Our friends Danell Lynn, of BlackTie2BlackTop fame, blacktie2blacktop.com , and Nick Calderone, star of the Right This Minute television program, rightthisminute.com.
Bill with Frank Ledwell, publisher of OutdoorX4 magazine, outdoorx4.com.
Our next door neighbor in camp at the expo was filmmaker Sterling Noren, whose latest work is the award documentary, “Run Free,” runfreemovie.com.
When the sun came out, I went for a spin on Nicole Espinosa’s Ural with Kris Green and Ginamarie Austin.
It’s always a pleasure to see Shawn Thomas and Kurt Asplindh!
Sam Manicom
It was a kick to meet Sam Manicom, one of my favorite adventure travel authors! http://www.sam-manicom.com/

Published by susandragoo

As a follower of Christ, my purpose is to follow the commands Jesus said were the most important, To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and To love your neighbor as yourself. As an Oklahoma-based writer, photographer and lover of the outdoors, my purpose is to celebrate God's creation. Join me for imagery and adventure as I explore the world with camera and notebook. Contact Info: susan.dragoo@gmail.com or (405) 664-2253

One thought on ““Snoverland” Expo 2015

  1. I have heard that it is a desirable attribute to smile in the face of adversity. As I peruse these photos from “Snoverland Expo,” those smiles seem most prevalent. Was it the friends coming together after a year’s absence, or the adversity itself that sparked the smiles? Perhaps it was facing the harsh weather together that filled our souls with joy…
    Bill Dragoo

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